December 29, 2018



Sequence number:s3399
Date of letter:1992
Address of author:Jinhua County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Date of event:1942-1944
Location of event:Jinhua County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province
Name of author:Qiu Jiantun
Name(s) of victim(s):Wang Hongguang, Fu Azhu, Du Guibiao, Du Yesen, Cui Peixing, Wang Xieqing

Type of atrocity:Murders, Biological/Chemical Warfare(MU, BC)
Other details:In April 11, 1943, the Japanese Army invaded Jinhua County, and Wang Hongguang was captured by the Japanese Army and killed. On September 20, 1944 Fu Azhu was killed by the Japanese Army, and Wang Yuqing was infected with the toxic drug released by the Japanese Army and died. In 1942 Lu Fenglan’s husband Du Guibiao was captured by the Japanese Army and killed without reason. Du Yesen was infected with bacteria released by the Japanese Army and died. On August 15, 1943, Cui Weiqing’s uncle Cui Peixing was captured by the Japanese Army, and stabbed to death.

Comrade Tong Zeng,

I’ll come straight with you due to limited time. I intended to write a letter to you and the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) respectively. But my letter sent to the NPCSC was returned because the address was not clearly stated. That leaves me no choice but to turn to you for help. Please forward 4 letters from Cui Weiqing, Du Yongzhong, Wang Xiangjin and Zhou Changmei to the office (or residence) of the head of the NPCSC. Besides, maybe you can spare a moment to tell me the residence address of the head of the NPCSC? I am deeply grateful for that. Comrade Tong Zeng, please correspond with me if other procedures are required to be handled or more victims are needed in the claim for damage compensation against Japan.

Qiu Jiantun
Xiayang Village
September 20, 1992

My detailed address is Xiayang, Bailongqiao, Jinhua, Zhejiang. Qiu Jiantun. Postal code: 321025.

Criminal and civil complaint


Requests: 1. I demand damage compensation from Japan. 2. A compensation of RMB 10,000 shall be paid in the shortest time possible for the plaintiff’s mother being shot dead illegally. 3. A compensation of RMB 10,000 shall be paid for the plaintiff’s father being tortured to death. 4. A compensation of RMB 10,000 shall be paid for the death of the plaintiff’s younger brother Wang Xieqing.

Facts and Grounds: On lunar April 11, 1943 during Japan’s aggression against China, the plaintiff’s then 39-year-old father (Wang Hongguang) was captured by the invading Japanese army and later tortured to death. His whereabouts were unknown until today. On lunar September 20, 1944, the plaintiff’s then 37-year-old mother (Fu A-zhu) was arrested by the Japanese army and taken to Yang Bridge, Gaoqiao, Jinhua, under which she was shot dead. On lunar September 6, 1945, the plaintiff’s younger brother (Wang Xieqing) died due to the poison put down by the Japanese army. The above three family members of the plaintiff were all killed by the Japanese army. The heavy topic that has been buried in the people’s mind for half a century is brought up thanks to the people’s good son (Tong Zeng). The terrible disaster the invaders have caused to all Chinese people cannot be compensated by anything. They tore our families apart and made us homeless. In addition, the Japanese army and individual soldiers committed severe crimes to our people and property by violating the laws of war and humanitarian principles. To reduce our losses, the defeated country that launched the war must compensate the winning countries. China demands Japan to make damage compensation without delay, which is necessary, reasonable and in line with the international laws. The plaintiff demands the defendant to make damage compensation of RMB 30,000 in accordance with international laws such as Yalta Agreement, Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration. I sincerely ask the NPC members to remove troubles for the people by upholding the philosophy of representing the people and by helping the people’s good son Tong Zeng with the great cause of “civil claims” and “damage compensation”. The above facts are true.

This is submitted to ______people’s court.

The complaint is written by Qiu Jiantun (signature or seal) on behalf of Wang Xiangjin (fingerprint).July 22, 1992.

Attached: 1. There are ____ copies of the complaint;
2.There are____ piece(s) of physical evidence.
3. There are _____ piece(s) of documentary evidence.
Note: 1. This complaint is used for both civil and criminal purposes.
2.Where the space in Facts and Grounds part is inadequate, additional pages of the same size can be added.

To the National People’s Congress Standing Committee,

This is to certify that the mother (Fu Azhu) of Wang Xiangjin, born in Xinchangqiao Village, Bailongqiao, Jinhua, Zhejiang, was illegally shot dead by the Japanese army under Yang Bridge, Gaoqiao, Jinhua on lunar September 20, 1944. She was then 36.

Wang Xiangjin’s father (Wang Hongguang) was arrested by the invading Japanese army on lunar April 11, 1943 and tortured to death. His whereabouts were unknown so far. He was then 38.

Wang Xiangjin’s younger brother (Wang Xieqing) died on lunar September 6, 1945 due to the poison put down by the Japanese army. He was then 6.

I am reporting facts to the head of the NPCSC during the campaign of claiming for damage compensation against Japan. Damage compensation shall be made without delay! The above facts are true.

Villagers’ Committee of Xinchangqiao, Bailongqiao, Jinhua

(Villagers’ Committee seal)
July 22, 1992
Wang Xiangjin (Personal seal)

Criminal and civil complaint


Requests: 1.Du Guibiao’s funeral fees and other losses, USD 15,000 in total, shall be paid in the shortest time possible.
2. Du Yesen’s funeral fees and other losses, USD 10,000 in total, shall be paid in the shortest time possible.
3. A public apology is demanded.

Facts and Grounds: In 1942, my husband (Du Guibiao) was a repair worker at Yunshan Railway in Jiangxi. He was then 21 and my son (Du Yongzhong) was only 7.5 months old. During Japan’s aggression against China, to avoid suffering, my husband took a leave from work to return to our hometown (Houdu Village) for shelter. Unexpectedly, there were also Japanese soldiers in our hometown. On lunar August 16, 1942, my husband was arrested by Japanese soldiers and tortured by them. At that time, over ten villagers pleaded with the soldiers for mercy, saying “He is a good man. He has a house, parents, siblings, wife and a son of less than 1 year old (Du Yongzhong).” They begged the Japanese soldiers not to kill my husband. But they not only wouldn’t let go of my husband, but beat those villagers who pleaded mercy for him. Later, they bayoneted my husband to death on that day. Not long after that, Du Guibiao’s father (Du Yesen) got poisoned by (biological weapon) put down by the Japanese army, got badly injured and died in less than three months. Two of my family members were killed by the Japanese army in that year. Only I and my son (Du Yongzhong) were left to live an extremely difficult life. Luckily, we now have the Party’s leadership and the people’s good son (Tong Zeng) to help us pursue justice. I demand the defeated country that launched the war to make adequate compensation to the winning countries in accordance with international laws such as Yalta Agreement, Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration. I sincerely ask the NPCSC to take effective measures to help Chinese victims get damage compensation from Japan as soon as possible. The damage compensation shall be made without delay.

This is submitted to _______people’s court.

The complaint is written by Qiu Jiantun (signature or seal) on behalf of Lu Fengwei (fingerprint) and her son Du Yongzhong (fingerprint).August 12, 1992.

Attached: 1. There are ____ copies of the complaint;
2.There are____ piece(s) of physical evidence,
3. There is ___1__piece of documentary evidence.
Note: 1. This complaint is used for both civil and criminal purposes.
  2.Where the space in Facts and Grounds part is inadequate, additional pages of the same size can be added.


To the National People’s Congress Standing Committee,

This is to certify that the then 21 year-old husband (Du Guibiao) of Lu Fenglan (female, now 71, born in Houdu Village, Bailongqiao, Jinhua, Zhejiang) was bayoneted to death by the invading Japanese army on lunar August 16, 1942.

Moreover, Du Guibiao’s then 49-year-old father (Du Yesen) poisoned by (biological weapon) put down by the Japanese army, got badly injured and died in early November 1942.

I am reporting facts to the head of the NPCSC during the campaign of claiming for damage compensation against Japan. Damage compensation shall be made without delay!

The above facts are true.

Villagers’ Committee of Houdu, Bailongqiao, Jinhua

(Villagers’ Committee seal)
August 12, 1992
Victim Du Guibiao’s wife Lu Fengwei (fingerprint)
Victim Du Guibiao’s son Du Yongzhong (fingerprint)

Criminal and civil complaint


Requests: 1. Cui Peixing’s funeral fees and other losses, USD 10,000 in total, shall be paid by the defendant in the shortest time possible.
2. The defendant shall make a public apology.

Facts and Grounds: One night during Japan’s aggression against China, the Japanese army entered our village from our neighboring village Tianmushan. My uncle (Cui Peixing) hid behind a door in his house to avoid suffering, but was found by a Japanese soldier. The solider arrested him and bayoneted him to death, which caused great pain to my whole family and tore us apart. The terrible disaster the Japanese army has caused to humans cannot be compensated by anything. To teach the Japanese army a lesson and defend the dignity of international laws, the plaintiff demands the defeated country that launched the war to make adequate civil compensation to the winning countries in accordance with international laws such as Yalta Agreement, Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration. Civil compensation is necessary, legal and just. I sincerely ask the NPCSC to take effective measures to pursue justice for the people and help the people’s good son (Tong Zeng) with the claim for damage compensation against Japan.

This is submitted to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee.

The complaint is written by Qiu Jiantun (signature or seal) on behalf of Cui Weiqing (fingerprint).

Attached: 1. There is __1__ copy of the complaint;
2.There are____ piece(s) of physical evidence, August 12, 1992.
3. There is ___1__piece of documentary evidence.
Note: 1. This complaint is used for both civil and criminal purposes.
  2.Where the space in Facts and Grounds part is inadequate, additional pages of the same size can be added.

To the National People’s Congress Standing Committee,

  This is to certify that Cui Peixing, a villager from Xinchangqiao, Bailongqiao, Jinhua, was bayoneted to death by an invading Japanese soldier on the night of lunar August 15, 1943 during Japan’s aggression against China. He was then 25 and a well-behaved man. The victim’s nephew is faithfully reporting facts to the head of the NPCSC during the campaign of claiming for damage compensation against Japan and demanding damage compensation.

Applicant: Victim’s nephew Cui Weiqing (fingerprint)
August 25, 1992

The above facts are true and submitted to the upper authority for reference.

Villagers’ Committee of Houdu, Bailongqiao, Jinhua
(Villagers’ Committee seal)
August 25, 1992

s3399-e s3399-p001 s3399-p002 s3399-p003 s3399-p004 s3399-p005 s3399-p006 s3399-p007 s3399-p008 s3399-p009 s3399-p010

Bio-Chemical Warfare(BC), Murders(MU)
About 10000cfj_3o5som

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