
The purpose  of the “10,000 Cries for Justice” website is to preserve history and learn from it.  It provides powerful evidence to refute the false claims that these atrocities did not exist, or that they were the natural consequences of war, or that they were fabricated or greatly exaggerated.  We hope that it will be a catalyst to establish genuine friendship between the Japanese people and the Chinese people, and true peace between Japan and China, as well as other countries.

If you agree with the value of this project, we urge you to join us as co-workers, supporters, and funders.  You can send your donation by either one of the following two options:


  •  Use the Donate button below via PayPal or your credit card

Please click the button below to donate:


You can contact us via multiple ways. Because our team is located in three different places, the most appropriate sub-team to respond to your inquires will depend on the type of inquiries. Please use the following guidelines to decide where to send your inquiries. Your inquiry can be in Chinese or English.


I. For questions regarding the campaign to seek justice and compensation from Japan through Mr. Tong Zeng’s organization “China Civil Claims Against Japan Federation,” send your inquiries using email or physical mail to the address below:

China Civil Claims Against Japan Federation

Room A715B, Varitone New World Plaza

No. 2 Fuchengmeiwai Street

Xicheng District, Beijing100037

People’s Republic of China


II. For questions regarding the contents of this website, send your inquiries using email or physical mail to:



III. For technical support in accessing the website, send us an email to:

For any email to any of the above 3 email addresses, please include:

  • Name/名字:
  • Email Address/电子邮件地址:
  • Phone Number/电话号码:
  • Skype Name (if any)/Skype 用户名(如果有的话):
  • Country of Residence/居住国家:
  • Your question/您的问题:


In addition, readers’ comments (in either Chinese or English) are most welcome, and can be submitted at the bottom of any of the pages.


The “10,000 Cries for Justice” is an educational non-profit organization 501(c)(3) registered in the state of California, U.S.A. Our Federal Tax I.D. # is 47-1212603. We rely on donations to fund our work. Donations are U.S. tax deductible. If you think that this website is valuable, please support us by sending a contribution to the address listed in Item II above.


The additional funding will help us to:

1.Digitize,index and translate into English Mr.Tong’s collection of ~1200 form-letters.

2.Translate into English most of the remaining 90% of the digitized letters.

3.Convert the digitized Simplified Chinese into Traditional Chinese.

4.Expand search capability to the full content of the letters.