
December 28, 2018



Sequence number:s2540
Date of letter:1992-12-25
Address of author:Yan’an City, Shanxi Province
Date of event:1938-11
Location of event:Yan’an City, Shanxi Province
Name of author:Lan Jiguo
Name(s) of victim(s):Common people in Yan’an City

Type of atrocity:Air Bombings (AB)
Other details:My hometown was razed to the ground by the Japanese army. I find information in the Wangjiaping Memorial Hall. On the morning of November 20, 1938, 38 Japanese aircrafts bombed Yanqing, injuring over a hundred residents.

Mr. Tong Zeng:

  Thank you for your reply sent on December 13. I plan to not publicly collect signatures by following your instruction in the letter. As my family’s original address was burned to the ground by Japanese planes, I cannot find specific materials about the address. I took a photo of Cheku Hotel built on the original site, the original wall and our new residence (two old caves) assigned by the government. I am gathering related materials to fully prove how our homeland was bombed by the Japanese army. If you need these photos, I will send you. I found some materials from Wangjiaping Memorial Hall on October 9 that read “38 Japanese planes bombed Yan’an on the morning of November 20, 1938, 38 and again on November 21, killing and injuring over 100 residents.”

  The above materials are quoted from Introduction to Revolutionary Memorial Halls at Fenghuangshanlu, Yangjialing, Zaoyuan and Wangjiaping in Yan’an during the Anti-Japanese War Period edited by Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall on August 14, 1959.

  Moreover, a remote relative of my family was injured in the brain and ear by Japanese bombs when he was still an infant. As his mother passed away years ago, I need time to gather detailed information and then send you.

  At last, I’d like to express my admiration and gratitude to you. I often write letters, so I know something about stamps. Companies or individuals like you to which/whom many people write letters often use pre-paid envelopes, but I found the envelope and stamp sent by you seemed to be paid by yourself. So I have more admiration for you. In the future, we will send you some stamps so you can use them in reply letters. A signature form is attached on the next page.

Wish you a good day!

Armed Forces Department, Yan’an Cigarette Factory

Lan Jiguo
December 25, 1992

Signature Form Demanding Damage Compensation Against the Japanese Government

  Liu Caiyun
  Lan Jiguo
  Lan Lili
Address: Room 201, Group 2, Staff Dwelling Building 4, Yan’an Cigarette Factory, Shaanxi, China
Postal code: 716000
December 25, 1992

s2540-e s2540-p1 s2540-p2 s2540-p3

Air Bombing(AB)
About 10000cfj_3o5som

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