
December 27, 2018



Sequence number:s1819
Date of letter:1996-01-07
Address of author:Baoding City, Hebei Province
Date of event:1942-05
Location of event:Raoyang County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province
Name of author:Xing Zhongyao
Name(s) of victim(s):Xing Yin (Xing Zhongyao’s father), Xing Yinzhuo (Xing Zhongyao’s uncle), Xing Qi (Xing Zhongyao’s uncle), Xing Zeguo (Xing Zhongyao’s uncle)Type of atrocity:Murders (MU)
Other details:In the spring of 1942, I was 9 years old. The Japanese invaders invaded our village and pursued the “burn all, kill all, loot all” policy. They asked the villagers about the Eighth Route Army, and beat them when failed to get any information. My father and my three uncles were all brutally killed by the Japanese soldiers, which was too horrible to look at. I accuse the Japanese army of murder on behalf of my family. The Japanese government must compensate for all our losses.

Mr. Tong Zeng:
Hello, hope that you are in good health.

First, thank you for your efforts. In the inhuman war waged by the Japanese Army when it invaded China, we Chinese, as a nation sustained immeasurable disaster. The campaign you initiated to file litigation to damage compensation from Japan by civilian victims is to the greatest satisfaction of everyone, thank you.

As a matter of fact, I am also suffered heavy losses in this disaster, I have written a complaint and attached it here, please read it and instruct me if there’s any problem in it.

Meanwhile, I have mailed one copy of this indictment to Mr. Cai Zongdu, but have not delivered it to the Japanese Embassy in China, I want to wait for your reply before taking action, what do you think about it? I will anxiously look forward to your reply.

I will say no more, thank you for everything.

Yours faithfully

Xing Zhongyao

Indictment against Japan for Claim by Civilian Victims

Plaintiff: Xing Zhongyao, male, born in January 1932, citizen of the People’s Republic of China. Han ethnic group, native place Nanguanzhuang Village, Wugong Town, Raoyang County, Hebei Province, currently residing at Room 2-11, North building of Municipal Court Dormitory, Hongyang Road, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China. Postal code 071000.

Xing Zhongyao represents eleven persons of direct relative and 16 persons of collateral relative.

When Xing Zhongyao is unable to exercise the rights as the plaintiff, Xing Wenkai, and Xing Wenshen (father sons relation) shall act as universal agent.

Defendant: Japanese government

On May 1, 1942 AD, when the Japanese Invasion Army implemented “Burn All, Kill All, Loot All” policy in the mopping-up of Central Hebei, they killed my father Xing Yin, an innocent civilian (aged 30) and my two uncles Xing Yinzhuo, and Xing Qi (aged 40), along with my father’s first cousin Xing Zeguo (aged 27). The murders of these four young men in the family had extremely painful consequences. My family was left with the aged, the young orphans and the widowed. The surviving family members fell into abject poverty. The details are as follows:

In the Spring of 1942, (back then I was eight or nine), the Japanese soldiers surrounded our village, encircled the villagers, and then collectively beat them, asked about the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Army, anyone who answered not to their satisfaction would be severely beaten, my father was stabbed with bayonet for over seventy times, and then he was pushed into the well (the abandoned courtyard well in Yan Nao’s home) before smashing with stone pillar to death inside the well, a scene too horrible to see.

My uncle Xing Yinzhuo was killed by one bullet at the edge of the village on his way of escape when the Japanese Army surrounded our village during a major mopping-up operation.

Furthermore, my lateral uncle Xing Qi (then aged 48), Father’s first cousin uncle Xing Zeguo (then aged 27) were beaten to death in other village after being captured by the Japanese Army during a large mopping-up. Now their families had no descendents, Xing Zeguo left behind a daughter named Xing Jian, who now stays at home and was ill all year round, Xing Qi left behind a son who roamed in Heilongjiang. It’s not clear whether or not he is still alive now. In summary, because of the Japanese invasion into China, especially their “Burn All, Kill All and Loot All” policy, our family fell victim to this policy. Not only losing these four young men, their surviving family members continue to suffer the consequences of multiple losses, emotional distresses, and the economical losses are beyond measurement.
According to the above facts, the plaintiff’s family members were all Chinese civilians, who were killed tragically by the Japanese Army, which is against international public law and laws of war. I hereby represent the whole family to file for compensation. The defendant must assume all damage responsibilities and economic compensation for the savage killing of four persons in my family, totaling USD 150,000.

To The Japanese Government
Ambassador of Japanese Embassy in China

Chinese civilian victim Xing Zhongyao
January 5, 1996 in Baoding, China

Letter of Complaint

My father Xing Yinzhuo joined guerilla work in 1941, in the same year he was killed with one bullet by the Japanese soldiers, which was really heartbroken. The extremely vicious Japanese invaders were loathsome. However, though my father was killed, we descendents now want to collect this debt from Japan, and let Japan compensate for our loss, now 10 people in our family want to lodge complaint against Japan.

Claimer: Son Xing Pingan (handprint))
Grandson Xing Youming (handprint))
Xing Youseng (handprint))
Great-grandson Xing Lei (handprint))
Xing Yangyang (handprint))
Xing Dingding (handprint))

December 25, 1995

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