
December 27, 2018



Sequence number:s1645
Date of letter:1997-09-20
Address of author:Yicheng County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province
Date of event:1938-02-18
Location of event:Yicheng County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province
Name of author:Jiao Fujia, Sun Tingshu, Sun Liancheng
Name(s) of victim(s):11 people including Liu Dianjun

Type of atrocity:Air Bombings (AB)
Other details:A copy of the “Indictment of Japan by its Chinese Civil Victims Claiming for Compensation” and supporting documents are sent, which describes in detail the atrocities the Japanese soldiers committed in our village as well as the heavy losses caused. A statistical table for losses is also enclosed. We require the Japanese government to compensate all the victims of our village.

Petition for Compensation from Japan by Chinese Civilian Victims

Chinese civilian victims who were killed:

An Shoufu

Chinese civilian victims whose houses and property were destroyed:


     Address: Nanchang, Nanliang, Yicheng, Shanxi
     Contacts: Jiao Fujia Sun Tingshu  Sun Liancheng
     Postal code: 043510
     Nanchang, Nanliang, Yicheng, Shanxi
     September 20, 1997

Petition for Compensation from Japan by Chinese Civilian Victims

  Plaintiffs: Sun Tingshu (If he loses the ability to file the petition, his sons Sun Guishen and Sun Guiwei will file the petition), Jiao Fujia (If he loses the ability to file the petition, his son Sun Jiao Qijun will file the petition), Sun Liancheng (If he loses the ability to file the petition, his son Sun Yanmin will file the petition) and other 35 people.

  Defendant: The Japanese government

  Cause of action: The invading Japanese army brutally shot and killed 11 people including Liu Dianjun of our village, and heavily bombed villagers’ houses and property with planes, causing major losses.

  Facts and grounds: On February 18, 1938, the Japanese No. 20 Army invaded Nanchang Village for the first time and suffered some losses due to the resistance of the Chinese No. 499 Division No. 83 Army to the west of the village. Therefore, the Japanese army implemented the inhuman Three Alls policy after entering the village. They burned down villager Liu Shida, Sun Ji and Sun Lan’s three Chinese quadrangles with a total of 38 houses and Sun Ji’s parents’ two cedar coffins. Besides, the Japanese army killed Liu Shida’s father Liu Dianju and Sun Tingshu (personal seal)’s grandfather Sun Bingying and uncle Sun Wei.

  On February 22, 1938, five Japanese troops attacked Chinese soldiers at Dongshan and met with resistance. Although the Japanese army finally occupied all battlefields to the west of Xiangshan, they were not satisfied and sent six planes to bomb Nanchang Village, destroying Jiaofujia’s north hall, Bo Bangyuan’s three west houses and one Chinese gate 2-story house, Sun Zengyu’s west 2-story building, Sun Zenglu’s four east halls, Yan Wenming’s three south houses, a total of 12 houses. Besides, they injured and disabled Yan Tianbang and killed Liu Tianbao, causing immeasurable losses to Nanchang Village.

  On April 3, 1938, the Japanese army invaded Nanchang the second time, burning down 30 Chinese quadrangles with a total of 280 houses, and 5 backyards and 1 Chinese gate. Besides, they shot and killed 7 villagers including Dai Shaoxu (Dai Bangyuan’s father, shot and died at Guanjiaxiang), An Shoufu, Yu Xiaoniu (7 year old), Wang Daoxing, Chang Fuqi and Yan Xizhen.

  During the World War II, the Japanese imperialists madly invaded my county and cruelly implemented the Three Alls policy to kill many civilians and burn down many houses and property, causing immeasurable losses to the people. The Chinese people, especially victims’ offspring will never forget the deep hatred. As time goes by, China grows stronger and the Chinese people and victims have opportunities and abilities to demand compensation and pursue justice from Japan. The compensation amount is provided in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.

  Based on the above facts and reasons, the plaintiffs demand the current Japanese government representing the past Japanese government to apologize and make a proper compensation to us. In the massacre, 11 people were directly shot and killed; we demand a compensation of 10 million USD for each of them, a total of 110 million USD. One person was injured and disabled by the bombing; we demand a compensation of 50 million USD for him. Two cedar coffins were burned; we demand a compensation of 3 million USD for each of them. We demand a compensation of 5 million USD for each of 235 buildings burned down. We demand a compensation of 5 million USD for each of 47 halls burned down for a total of 235 million USD. We demand a compensation of 5 million USD for each of 28 halls burned down for a total of 140 million USD. We demand a compensation of 4 million USD for each of 202 houses made of brick and wood burned down for a total of 808 million USD. We demand a compensation of 3 million USD for each of 25 side houses burned down for a total of 75 million USD. We demand a compensation of 8 million USD for each of 25 temple halls burned down for a total of 72 million USD. We demand a compensation of 6 million USD for each of 4 side temple halls burned down for a total of 24 million USD. We demand a compensation of 3.5 million USD for each of 16 Chinese gates burned down. We demand a compensation of 2 million USD for each of 5 side halls burned down. We demand a compensation of 2 million USD for each of 2 sheds burned down. The total compensation amount is 2.119 billion USD.

The evidence materials are attached below.

Statistics on houses of Nanchang, Yicheng that were burned or bombed by the invading Japanese army


Statistics on houses of Nanchang, Yicheng that were burned or bombed by the invading Japanese army


Statistics on houses of Nanchang, Yicheng that were burned or bombed by the invading Japanese army


Evidence Materials

  On February 18 in the 27th year of the National Republic of China, the Japanese army suffered a setback at the west of Nanchang Village. They entered the village and madly implemented the Three Alls policy. They burned three Chinese quadrangles with a total of 38 houses and shot Liu Dianjun, Sun Bingying and Sun Wei. Afterwards, they sent six planes to bomb the village. The bombing burned over 10 houses, killed Liu Tianbao and disabled Yan Tianbang, causing huge property losses to Nanchang Village. But it was not enough to eliminate the Japanese army’s hatred towards us. Months later, the Japanese army invaded Nanchang Village for the second time on April 3 in the 27th year of the National Republic of China. The Japanese army became more brutal and further implemented the Three Alls policy. They burned dozens of Chinese quadrangles for a total of over 200 houses and killed 7 people including Dai Bangyuan’s father Dai Shaoxu. It’s been 60 years, but I still remember it.

Witness: Bo Shenghui (Fingerprint)
September 18, 1997


  I am Sun Chengxiang, 78, a farmer. In that year (37th year of the National Republic of China), someone said that the Japanese were coming, so many other villagers were so scared and ran away. So was I. When the gunshots stopped and the Japanese army left, I returned to the village and saw that Sun Jiugong’s quadrangle was burned and the quadrangles of Sun Jiugao, Sun Jiucheng, Sun Zengyu, Sun Ji, Sun Lan and my quadrangle too. Our Sun’s Template was also set to fire. While the fire lasted one day, the smoke continued for 2 or 3 days. Over 200 houses were burned down. Besides, the Japanese army shot and killed 7 people including Dai Shaoxu. When the Japanese army invaded Nanchang Village for the first time, they burned down 30 or 40 houses and shot and killed 3 people including Sun Bingying and Sun Wei. The Japanese planes bombed Liu Tianbao to death and disabled Yan Tianbang. In a word, the Japanese army caused immeasurable economic losses to Nanchang Village.

Witness: Sun Chengxiang (Fingerprint)
September 18, 1997


  The Japanese No. 20 Army invaded Nanchang Village several times in 1938 and implemented the Three Alls policy. The raid was extremely cruel and inhuman. There were two great raids, causing immeasurable losses of life, property and economy to the Nanchang people. Besides, the Japanese army shot and killed 11 innocent villagers, burned down over 30 Chinese quadrangles. The petition materials of the 38 people of my village including Jiao Fujia and Sun Tingshu are all true.

The above facts are true.
The People’s Government of Nanliang, Yicheng (Government seal)
October 30, 1997

Villagers’ Committee of Nanchang, Nanliang, Yicheng, Shanxi
(Villagers’ Committee seal)
September 21, 1997

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Air Bombing(AB)
About 10000cfj_3o5som

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